You are responsible for your own safety when cycling.
Whether it is riding in the town to work or out in the countryside here are some tips to keep you safe
Always wear a helmet. Research suggests that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injury by up to 60 per cent.
If your helmet hits the road or an object, replace it even if it still looks okay.
Look after your helmet. Keep it out of direct sunlight when not in use, and clean it strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Let someone know your intended route and what time you think you’ll be back.
Wear sunscreen on skin not covered by clothing.
Take a drink with you to reduce the risk of dehydration.
Pack identification, money and your mobile phone (if you have one) in case of emergencies.
Don’t wear headphones. You need to hear what’s going on around you.
Cycling shorts reduce the risk of skin irritation because the material doesn’t bunch and rub against your buttocks.
Treat your bicycle as you would your car, and obey the road rules. Don’t ride on the wrong side of the road or coast through red lights, for example.
Flag your intention to turn by hand signalling or using your indicators if your bicycle has them.
When turning right, perform a hook turn from the left side of the road.
Ride in a predictable way, about one metre out from parked cars.
Cyclists are permitted to ride two abreast, but you should ride in single file in heavy traffic.
You are permitted to overtake on the left, provided the vehicle you’re overtaking isn’t turning left or indicating an intention to turn left.
Always wear brightly coloured clothing. It is harder for motorists to see you if you are dressed in dark or dull colours.
Fluorescent fabrics markedly increase your visibility to other road users.
Have lights fitted to your bike, front and back, for night riding.
Reflective garments, including reflectors fitted to the back of your shoes, can increase your visibility at night.
Make sure your bicycle is appropriate for your height and needs. Ask staff at bike shops for help when choosing a new bicycle.
Have your bicycle professionally serviced once every year.
Regularly check your bike yourself, perhaps once a week, to make sure it is in good repair. Check the tyres, bearings, gears, nuts and bolts, and lubricate the chain and cables. If you’re not sure how to do this, consult with staff at bicycle stores or bicycle repair shops.
Adjust your saddle for your leg length. Your knee should be only slightly bent when your foot is on the pedal with your leg fully extended. You risk knee strain if your knees are too bent.
Your handlebars should be positioned about five centimetres lower than your saddle height.
Narrow seats may be uncomfortable, particularly for women. Opt for a wider saddle or a gel-filled saddle. You could also pad the seat with a sheepskin cover or similar.
Altering your riding position from time to time reduces the risk of muscle overuse, stiffness and soreness.
Pedalling in high gear for a long time will stress your knee joints. Switch to lower gears whenever you can.
Maintain the same cycling rhythm when going uphill by changing gears.
Once you’ve crested the hill, avoid the temptation to coast down the other side. Pedal a little bit to reduce the risk of lactic acid build-up in your leg muscles.
Avoid using your brakes continuously when riding down a long hill, because you may overheat your brakes and consequently your tyres. Hot tyres are more likely to burst. Instead, apply the brakes gently and intermittently.
Ride defensively. Don’t assume that car drivers have seen you. Make eye contact with car drivers when negotiating turns or intersections.
It may be safer to cycle on roads while at night. Roads provide surveillance from passing traffic that is often absent on quieter bike paths.
Get to know your route. Be aware of possible dangers such as areas that are unlit while at night, thick shrubbery or blind alleys. Work out possible escape routes. If the route makes you feel uncomfortable, search for a different route.
Get to know strategic people along your cycling route such as staff in shops and security officers. These people can help you if they are accessible in an emergency. Reaching a friendly person will often make you safe from a potentially dangerous situation.
Take care where you park your bike. Park close to your destination and where you will be safe while you lock and unlock your bike. A site that is busy or that can be seen from occupied buildings will often provide the necessary personal security for you and for the bike while it is unattended.
Generally speaking, people aged over 12 years are not permitted to cycle on the footpath. However, there are exceptions to this rule, including:
An adult who is supervising a young child on their bike is allowed to ride on the footpath with them.
Riding on the road may not be safe for some people with certain physical or intellectual disabilities. Riding on the footpath is allowed, so long as the person has a medical certificate that outlines their exemption.
Postal officers who are delivering mail are allowed to cycle on the footpath.
When riding on the footpath, you must keep to the left whenever possible, and always give way to pedestrians.
Reduce the risk of bicycle theft A lot of bikes are stolen each year. Suggestions include:
Use ‘U’ locks and flexible cables to lock up your bicycle.
Lock the bicycle to an immovable object.
About half of bicycle thefts occur from households, so make sure you lock up your bicycle when storing it at home.
Engrave your licence number on the bicycle frame.
Ask your insurance company about insuring your bicycle against theft.
For more tips and advice on personal safety for cyclists visit this excellent BBC site