Join Active in Redbourn next September on Redbourn Common next to the Cricket Pavilion. Enter the traditional Conkerthon with knock out competitions and prizes for all ages. Plus FREE fun and games for all the family.
Conkers are the seeds of the horse chestnut tree. This attractive tree was brought to Britain from south-east Europe 400 years ago Today, you can find horse chestnut trees in parks, gardens, streets and village greens across the UK.
There are several conker tournaments throughout the UK with the World Conkers Championshipsat the pinnacle. In the game, two players take turns attempting to smash each other’s conker using a string or shoelace.
The player with the intact or undamaged conker after a series of matches is declared the winner. Conkers is popular in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world, especially during the autumn season when horse chestnuts are collected.
This Autumn 2024 will see the fourth Redbourn Conkerthon.
A conkerthon is literally an event centred on playing conkers. There is a series of adult and junior knock out conker matches with the last two players in a final to win the coveted title. There is a small entrance fee. All conkers and laces are supplied to traditional rules.
Now in its 4th year (Septem2024), the Redbourn Conkerthon has become a firm favourite in the village events calendar. It is open to all comers. It takes place in and around the Cricket Pavilion with bar and snacks as needed. There is a paid bar-b-q. To participate just turn up and pay a small entry fee. There are adult and junior matches. All conkers and strings are supplied. Games are supervised. You can also enter free games and other activities dotted around the site. Bring all the family and have a picnic
The Redbourn Conkerthon is a family fun day out. It takes place every year on Redbourn Common in September just as chestnut trees are producing fruit. Created and managed by Active in Redbourn, hundreds of enthusiasts arrive from miles around to become conkerthon champions. It is open to all ages with separate prize categories. As well as playing conkers there are other fun games of skill to play while the conker players go through the rounds
A conkerthon is literally an event centred on playing conkers. There is a series of adult and junior knock out conker matches with the last two players in a final to win the coveted title. There is a small entrance fee. All conkers and laces are supplied to traditional rules.
The World Conker Championships (WCC) has taken place in Northamptonshire since 1965. They have established a set of rules which Redbourn Conkerthon complies with. Members of WCC attend to ensure rules are followed and fair conker matches are played.
A World Conker Competition (WCC) officials attend Redbourn Conkerthon. They oversee the running of the event and take time to show new entrants how best to play.
The rules for playing conkers can vary slightly depending on personal preferences, but here is a general guideline:
Remember, it’s essential to follow safety precautions while playing conkers to avoid any accidents. Young children should be supervised, and protective eyewear is also recommended.
The games take the form of a knockout competition following the strict rules of the game. The last two entrants in each category play a final to become champion, a position they hold until next year’s event.